

Does Covid vaccination status of a member remain important?
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Votes: 699 Male 56 Female 755 Total
Member Comments ?
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
It’s the flu
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I am fully vaccinated + currently “booster-ed” so I feel like I’m doing my part to keep healthy. However, there’s so many “pros” & “cons” out there we really don’t know who/what to believe. I also respect a person for their own beliefs and trust them to respect mine.
MassageExchange CommentOur suggestions on "who to believe": World-recognized infectious disease medical authorities such as the CDC and Tony Fauci. 

Who to be suspicious of: Anything by Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, or Fox News (
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I think that Covid has basically run it course and there isn't any reports of any outbreaks. I already had Covid and never had any vaccines and completely recovered and feel that I have the best immunity possible. Vaccines never prevented a person from getting covid and didn't prevent a person from spreading covid. The vaccine has caused many serious health problems and has caused some people to die.
MassageExchange Comment"I think that Covid has basically run it course and there aren't any reports of any outbreaks." - False. In the US there are over 6,000 hospitalizations from Covid per week. See

"Vaccines never prevented a person from getting covid" - Pants-on-fire false

"The vaccine has caused many serious health problems and has caused some people to die." - Pants-on-fire false.

Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I’m concerned more others and their health and wellbeing
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I was never concerned. I’m healthy and My body is strong and resilient.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I’m no longer concerned
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I don’t feel concerned about the vaccination status of other members, as I have recently had the bivalent booster and have been within 6 ft of very symptomatic people for extended periods, later found them to be positive, with no transmission to me (I did not get sick later on).
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
My health, and the health of others I come into contact with. I think of it like the flu now; I get a flu shot every fall too.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
been vaccinated twice & boosted twice
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
Being concerned for you health is a personal but real thing. While COVID is a discussion point there are may additional medical issues that everyone should take note.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Medical research disappointedly found that the vaccine effectiveness faded out after several months and then became negative--meaning after a period of time, those vaccinated had higher rates of becoming ill with Covid than non-vaccinated. See Medline for numerous study results. Public health agencies have declared the "pandemic" to be over now.
MassageExchange Comment• Covid vaccine effectiveness wanes is true (and is true with most vaccines).
• The claim that Covid vaccination will fade and go 'negative' (weaker immunity than un-vaccinated) is false.

The poster sent us articles discussing vaccinated people becoming complacent - having higher person-to-person contact than cautious unvaccinated folks. As a result, some uncautious vaccinated people whose vaccine effectiveness has waned had higher infection rates than cautious unvaccinated people. Makes perfect sense. However, the studies do not in any way claim that vaccination, after the effectiveness wanes, is worse or 'negative' protection-wise at any point in time than being unvaccinated.

No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Never was concerned ... no different than the cold or flu
MassageExchange CommentThe differences are, in fact, stunning. People don't die from a cold. Flu - yes. Covid - massive.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I am blown away that this website has taken one side of this discussion. I just signed up but not sure if I want to hang around judging by what I've seen here.
MassageExchange CommentWe have an obligation to our readers to avoid sharing misinformation, so we side with factual information (a.k.a. truth) as opposed to misinformation and unfounded conspiracy theories. To learn more about our rating labels, click the "?" button next to "Member Comments".
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Not at all. Because vaccines. Right??? And science. But politics....
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
WOW....I don't understand why the admin on this website is labelling people nuts for posting their views...whether you believe Covid was a hoax or not surely you have a right to voice an opinion without being labelled?
MassageExchange CommentWe have an obligation to our readers to avoid sharing misinformation, so we side with factual information (a.k.a. truth) as opposed to misinformation and unfounded conspiracy theories. To learn more about our rating labels, click the "?" button next to "Member Comments".
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
Just like the flu, I don't want covid either. Heck I don't even want a cold
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
You can still get covid and pass it on to others, even if you are vaccinated and/or wear a mask. I've known people who are vaccinated that died, and know plenty of people that aren't vaccinated and never had symptoms. Just because FDA approved this "vaccine", it doesn't mean it's right for everybody. I still can't believe that so many still believe the government isn't capable of lying, or at the least, being wrong.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Vaccinated and double boosted, weight management, regular exercise, and striving to fuel my body with foods packed with nutrients gives me peace of mind to maintain healthy.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
The risk has been lowered but it is still out there. As someone with health issues and having loss too many friends and family, immunization is very important to me.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I've been vaccinated twice for Covid (Moderna). I've also been vaccinated for: Cholera, Measles, Mumps, Polio, Smallpox, Tetanus and Typhoid. I grew up being vaccinated.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
It was a hoax, from the very beginning
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I have been tested. And it's in the past.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
Immunisation is very important to me, I need to know that anyone I may meet are sufficiently concerned about health
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
Vigilance is the price we pay NOT to restart this bug!
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
No vaccine here and never will. Know too many people with negative side effects.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I'm taking the risks involved in leading a fairly normal life, but being careful - masks in crowds, or avoiding crowds, vaccination for sure.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
They're going to release another one on us I don't know when but I know they are it will be considerably worse than the last watch for new restrictive measures implemented by the government steer far clear of their poisonous death shots... and watch what you eat and where it comes from their poisoning it as well
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
No vaccine here.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Take precautions. Use common sense. Nothing can be completely avoided - but you can minimize risks. And that goes for everything in life.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I've been fully vaxxed and boosted, but Covid remains a concern.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
But we will have more covid style pandemics every few years for the rest of our lives.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
as long as you're symptom free.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I believe the government added symptoms that were not related so that they could blow it out of proportion and control the masses.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
There was no reason to be afraid of it anyway, because only 1% of anyone who actually contracted it died from actually having it & not from other extenuating factors.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Frankly I would not have gotten vaccinated, except my sister's doctor required it for everyone in this household.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
Always concerned but I still live
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Did not develop COVID. I take plenty of Vitamin D and Zinc, eat healthy and keep stress at bay.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I’ve had all the shots. When new ones are offered I will gladly take the new shots. Have a wonderful day!
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Vaccines history is personal, private information that can be shared between the individuals. Since the Covid 19 vaccine is still authorized as an experimental treatment, is it really something that should be considered as a determinant or screener for any type of activity that will occur in person? Shouldn’t people be more concerned about maintaining their overall health and safety, by practicing good hygiene and taking care of their physical and mental health? Things like washing your hands (after eating, using the restroom, blowing your nose, cooking, combing your hair, etc.), taking regular baths/showers, wearing clean clothing, cleaning and taking care of your home/surroundings, not going around otters when you’re sick (coughing, sneezing, feverish), eating healthy and nutrient dense foods, developing good habits that promote health and wellness? It’s everyone’s own responsibility to have a healthy body and mind. Is anyone other than one’s medical provider asking about whether they have a flu vaccine?
MassageExchange CommentThe Covid-19 vaccines are not experimental. The Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines have received full approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
It is best
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I tested positive. I stayed home one week. I tested again. I was negative. Had no symptoms.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
Yes, but not for MY health. I only experienced mild flu-like symptoms and my partner was asymptomatic and my 94 y/o mom who has type 2 diabetes, hypertension and uses an inhaler on occasion was vaxxed/boosted and has never tested positive even though she lives in a “Senior” high rise apt bldg w/large common spaces and elevators.. That tells me that the virus presents itself based one ones individual body chemistry. Also, viruses mutate, so they may not present the same way in the same person twice. I have NO problem masking upon request to protect others or to make sure we’re ALL comfortable.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
While I'm less concerned about Covid-19 now, vaccination status tells me about the person and their practice/habits regarding health & hygiene.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
fully vaccinated and boosted
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Not concerned
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I am vaccinated and boosted. I have lost several friends to this disease.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I've been vaccinated and have my 5th Booster. I have health concerns for both very young ...and elderly family members. Will wear a mask, if required.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I've been vaccinated and boosted
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I'm 4 xs vaccinated
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I’m hoping the worst is over
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
During my day job, I interact with many people over the course of a day. I have to consider their possible health concerns, too.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
But willing to wear a mask if needed
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
When was this poll created ? 
Surely there are no longer still people concearned about this flu that has been proven to be exaggerated as a pandemic for the sake of implementing controll.........because you all complied now 15 min cities are now rolling out accross the Globe and comming to your town soon.
MassageExchange CommentPoll created 3/23/2023. This poll aimed to gauge how many members are still concerned. Apparently many. The Flu and Covid are different viruses with vastly different mortality rates.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
Most folks I know have been exposed to COVID more than once, even if they never had COVID. I wear masks when doing exchanges, and consider the client when deciding to unmask the next time after two tests, one the evening before and once at the beginning of the meeting. We hope that this testing will help avoid active COVID, even though there is a small possibility of missing active infections. The infectious rate of COVID being significantly higher than measles still scares me.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Vaccinated people still contract and spread the virus. According to recent studies at UCLA natural immunity last much longer than the vaccine.
MassageExchange CommentThe claim is similar to saying that people can still die in a car accident even if wearing a seatbelt so why bother wearing a seatbelt at all? Because seatbelts have saved countless lives. Similarly, no vaccine is 100% effective, but they do their job and save lives.

The study referenced admits that while antibodies may persist, these antibodies may not be in sufficient numbers to provide immunity. The study also states that vaccine-induced immunity provides far greater protection than infection-induced immunity.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
Yes still concerned.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
It’s a great filter for intelligence level
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
But I will wear a mask if needed.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
More importantly I want anyone I meet to feel safe regardless of being vaccinated or unvaccinated. There is no risk from me to unvaccinated people and if people are testing negative then it is fine to meet.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
Is to each their own how they feel with being vaccinated. It does not stop me from massaging anyone.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I've had my vaccinations but happy for others to make up their own minds about what they do
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Who ever is giving these folks a false mis information stamp,needs pull their head out and research themselves.
MassageExchange CommentOf course we have.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
It's still around but not as common or severe
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
A lot of people say that it isn't safe or necessary but my niece died of Covid after a month in the hospital on a ventilator. It didn't look pleasant.
We all get pretty close during massage and we don't wear masks, or anything else for that matter. Sticking with vaxed people is safer to us even if it means missing a few otherwise great rubs.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I work with people that are older or immuno-compromised so I do my best to be as safe as possible and be around folks who exercise similar levels of protection as well.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I am consciously aware of Covid still being present. As with any other sharable health issue!
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I think by this point of the game either you're naturally immuned from already having it & everytime a new booster comes along your body adapts to it or you've been vaccinated & you shouldn't be worried about the people that haven't. Either way, when it's your time, it's your time. Vax or no Vax, sleeping or awake, old or young. Life's to short & tomorrow is never promised!
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Why are some of the comments marked as false?
MassageExchange CommentBecause they are misinformation
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
Showing respect for other’s health as well as mine is a priority.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
It’s just another cold
Getting weaker
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
Likely for the remainder of 2023 I will choose to connect with vaccinated members only.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I notice that most people that have been vaccinated don't worry about it anymore.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Yep I think Covid’s pretty much dumbed itself down to a bad flu.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
It was real. Have many doctor and nurse friends. Under control now. Need vaccinations.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Never worried about it.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
New strains can come about we are not over the Pandemic yet!
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
It was a hoax!
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed. People just need to keep up the hygiene standards and stay safe and healthy
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
It was just a plandemic orchestrated by our evil corrupt government
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
It’s obvious, I can participate in and enjoy erotic massage only when I am healthy and comfortable being intimate with my massage partner. Just like protected sex, vaccination is also important. Like they say, health is wealth.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I don’t want to judge those that do or don’t get vaccinated. I have also known those that have gotten it & survived & known some that have contracted Covid and died & the impact that has had on others. I do have an obligation to others around me to be as healthy as possible & some depend on me for their health, safety & care. I still wear a mask as much as possible.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Never did
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I’m concerned of the spike proteins that vaccinated people shed and can pass on to others who are unvaccinated.
MassageExchange Comment - The primary vaccines in the US and UK are mRNA based and do not shed Covid because such vaccines do not contain the Covid virus.
- Lesser-used attenuated or dead Covid virus vaccines can shed, but such shedding is minuscule, and the effect of minuscule amounts of dead or attenuated virus is minute to zero.

In addition:
- Persons contracting Covid (symptomatic or not) shed Covid, particularly from the mouth, and can easily pass it to others.
- Vaccinated persons are far less likely to shed the virus since they're far less likely to contract it.   
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
What’s important is that I have had my vaccinations and boosters. I wouldn’t meet a vaccination denier but nothing to do with health concern reasons.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I'm still concerned about my health, so I stay up to date on my vaccinations. I respect others who don't want to get vaccinated. It's a personal choice, so I just do what I think is best for me. I work with a large group of employees and I attend events with large groups, so I just do what I can and don't worry about it.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
Yes stay updated on vaccine and flu shot too.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I have strong immune system and perform in most hygienic Swiss method. Done here
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
It's over. Just another flu-like disease that we might as well just face getting through. Info now coming out that the vaccine is worse than getting the disease- Lasting side effects
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
My health is important to me. And given the large number of vaccinated members on this site, I see no compelling reason to risk my health meeting with a vaccine denier.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I would absolutely not meet an unvaccinated member at this time, or perhaps ever. Unvaccinated means the person thinks only of him/herself, caring little about the health of people around them. That says an awful lot about the person in general. No thank you. Please move on.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I still ask the question but will decide depending on my exposure risk.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
Prefer vaccinated partners, but not a hard line rule.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I'm pro health.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I’m relaxed but prefer to exchange with others who have been vaccinated. Covid deniers are out of the question. I welcome that this website is challenging misinformation. Too many people have died because of COVID and other lives are ruined due to Long COVID
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
Never was a concern.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
There are still small peaks every so often. I have had all of my vaccinations and boosters but still take care around other people. We all still wear masks in patient areas at work.
Yes. I'm still concerned for my health.
I have had by initial 2 shots and 1 booster. I would prefer to exchange with someone that is also vaccinated.
No. Covid has sufficiently passed.
I have had by initial 2 shots and 4 boosters. While I would prefer to exchange with someone that is also vaccinated. It is not a deal breaker.
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