ReviewsReviews Authored
TwoHealingHands Highly Recommended
Cliffside Park, New Jersey, United States of America
Todd is an excellent licensed massage therapist. There is much fluidity in his work. He has a lot of experience and gave me great advice for my work later in my school year and the rest of my career. Excellent at applying deep pressure and checks in a lot to make the client is doing ok. I recommend exchanging a massage with Todd. Great work!
Reviewed by DiazMT 2017-07-14 17:17 [16794/P]

Reply from TwoHealingHands of 2017-07-18
Thanks Mark! It was my pleasure. I look forward to exchanging again soon

Flowman Highly Recommended
Greenwich, New York, United States
Excellent massage therapist. Very skilled and knowledgeable. Performs very good massages.
Reviewed by DiazMT 2017-05-22 05:50 [16472/P]

Reply from Flowman of 2017-05-22
Thanks for the nice notice. It was a pleasure working with you. I look forward to future exchanges.

Reviews are opinions of individual members. Opinions by their nature are subjective and can vary dramatically from member to member. neither agrees with nor verifies the accuracy of member reviews and is not responsible for such content.