ReviewsReviews Authored
Heathcliff Highly Recommended
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
As a professional masseur myself I have to say that Heathcliff’s massage work is better than a lot of massage therapists out there who do it for a living. He’s got a great, intuitive touch, and gives a thorough, wholesome, connected massage. On top of that he’s a kind, warm, wise and friendly man, good-looking and incredibly hospitable and charming. I felt like he was very much “there for me” the whole time and I did my best to return the favor. Massage is an act of giving. Heathcliff understands this well, and it truly was a gift. I am very grateful.
Reviewed by Naturlguy 2015-12-07 06:27 [12961/P]

wilmingtonmassage Highly Recommended
Wilmington, Delaware, United States
Chuck is an excellent massage therapist. He integrates many styles and modalities to give each person an individualized massage experience. I can tell he really cares about his work and the people he works with. He is professional and talented and highly recommended.
Reviewed by Naturlguy 2009-10-25 12:55 [2353/P]

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