ReviewsReviews Authored
Naturlguy Highly Recommended
Wilmington, Delaware, United States
I found Naturlguy to be a generous masseur. From his very first strokes I realized I was in the hands of a skilled and perceptive body worker. Knows how to lift your limbs and stretch you in unique and satisfying ways. He's also bright, interesting, and vividly aware of the dynamics of trust and surrender as they operate in male to male massage. Sharing with him is a delicious and nourishing experience. He's a delight to be with---a real winner.
Reviewed by Heathcliff 2015-12-06 16:28 [12956/P]

Naturlguy Highly Recommended
Wilmington, Delaware, United States
Steve is creative, intuitive, competent, and knowledgeable. I have been exchanging with Steve for years and highly recommend his fine work.
Reviewed by wilmingtonmassage 2009-10-24 20:47 [2351/P]

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