E-mail Overload?

Mail Receiving Preferences

Visit Profile Preferences (top menu) to alter your preferences. Green items control mail you receive. Here's a summary:

Block greeting cardsIn Emails and Greetings, set Greetings to Block to only receive e-mails
Block photo-less messagesIn Emails and Greetings, set Photo-less to Block and only those with a Primary Photo may contact you
Block non-local membersIn Privacy, set Locale to Local-Only and only those within 100 miles of your location will see you in their search
Reduce / Stop Notifications In Notifications, set each item to desired frequency.
Setting Viewed and Favorites to either Weekly Digest Only or Never will likely reduce your e-mail notifications by 90%.
Stealth Mode Want to be invisible, receive zero e-mails, and only receive replies from people you contact? We call that Private mode. In the Preferences section, set Visibility to Private. Once again, in Private mode, don't expect any e-mails unless you reach out.

Matching Preferences

Visit Profile Edit Profile (top menu) and check these items ...

Directories Have you selected the directories that you're interested in? Selecting Sensual/Tantra/Erotic means you should expect erotic/sexual e-mails. If you don't want these, select Therapeutic; do not select Sensual/Tantra/Erotic.
Desired Gender Select one gender only or both as you wish.
Desired Partners You may prefer to set to Students and Therapists only, eliminating Enthusiasts, to connect with our more professional members. (Granted the number of contacts may be lower.)

Edit Preferences in popup window Edit Profile in popup window