ReviewsReviews Authored
RRudder Highly Recommended
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
RRudder visited me at my apartment while on business in Paris. It was a great exchange - good, relaxed company, firm, smooth strokes that left me feeling very chilled. If he's ever in Paris again I'd definitely exchange again. Recommended.
Reviewed by rgb445 2015-11-16 22:34 [12864/P]

heavenlyplace Highly Recommended
Bournemouth, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
I had a very good massage with heavenlyplace. As I arrived straight from work we showered first, which was very enjoyable, and then got straight down to the massage. His massage was very stimulating and I was left relieved and relaxed by the end.
Reviewed by rgb445 2012-03-13 12:19 [5593/P]

maestro Recommended
Farnborough, United Kingdom
I really enjoyed my exchange with maestro. His massage was relaxing and I fely very comfortable in his hands. maestro's style of massage is quite gentle, but was no less enjoyable because of this. I hope that we can exchange again.
Reviewed by rgb445 2012-03-13 12:16 [5592/P]

SunLover Highly Recommended
Marlow, England, United Kingdom
Great massage swap with SunLover. He is a friendly, easy going guy who makes you feel comfortable and at ease straightaway. He gives a great full-body massage using firm, continuous strokes. I hope to swap with him again in the future. Highly recommended.
Reviewed by rgb445 2011-11-24 01:10 [4946/P]

a3ttk1 Recommended
London, United Kingdom
A very good massage swap - just what they should be. Warm, comfortable surroundings, a generous host who is easy to get on with and a good massage. Hope to repeat again sometime.
Reviewed by rgb445 2011-11-13 09:45 [4896/P]

berksmassage Recommended
Coventry, England, United Kingdom
I had a very swap with berksmassage. He is a friendly guy who is easy to relax with. He has picked up some good massage techniques from his other swaps and I enjoyed a relaxing and pleasurable massage. Recommend. Hope to swap again.
Reviewed by rgb445 2011-10-05 12:59 [4653/P]

harri Recommended
Brighton, Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom
I enjoyed a very good massage swap with harri yesterday. He is friendly guy who is very easy to get on with and you immediately feel comfortable. By his own admission he is a real beginner but he is in tune with his partners responses and will improve with further experience. By the end of the session I was very relaxed and Chilled and would hope for another exchange sometime.
Reviewed by rgb445 2011-09-30 23:16 [4628/P]

Rick04 Highly Recommended
Redhill, England, United Kingdom
Had a great massage exchange with Rick and hope to repeat the experience.
Reviewed by rgb445 2011-09-09 07:15 [4433/P]

Reviews are opinions of individual members. Opinions by their nature are subjective and can vary dramatically from member to member. neither agrees with nor verifies the accuracy of member reviews and is not responsible for such content.