ReviewsReviews Authored
joeinssmd Recommended
Pompano Beach, Florida, United States
I had the opportunity to exchange with joeinssmd and it was a wonderful exchange. He knows his way around the body and he has a warm and relaxing personality. We had a very nice conversation as we did the trade. One special treat that he encorporates in to his massage is stretching. I would recommend joeinssmd for a massage trade.
Reviewed by tennisplayer 2012-03-24 06:21 [5659/P]

eagertiger Highly Recommended
Montgomery Village, Maryland, United States
I have exchanged with eagertiger on multiplle occasions. He is professional, has strong hands, and I always have an excellent experience with him. eagertiger uses multiple techniques including Swedish and deep tissue, but also incorporated some stretching techniques and other modalities, too. I am very comfortable trading with eagertiger and feel as though we can practice with and on each other. eagertiger is an all around great guy - I highly recommend a session with him.
Reviewed by tennisplayer 2012-02-18 20:11 [5474/P]

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