ReviewsReviews Authored
fullbody4u Highly Recommended
Poynton, Cheshire East, United Kingdom
I had a very relaxing & enjoyable meet with fullbody4u 2 days ago. He is a lovely host & made me very welcome. We had a chat & a cup of tea before the massage session & this meant any nervousness on my part was soon gone.
The massage room was all set up ready. I was happy to go first & J's experience was soon clear to see & feel & his massage technique was very accomplished & sensual & soon had me totally relaxed. There was a nice mix of long & short strokes with variations in pressure from firm to tinglingly light. Needless to say it was very enjoyable.
J. was also very encouraging & complimentary when it came to my turn to be the masseur. As a relative novice in giving massage it was good to be re-assured that I was having the desired effect. All in all it was 3 hours well spent.
Reviewed by Speedosteve166 2018-03-11 14:18 [18126/P]

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