LM55 hosted me in his lovely flat on a cold afternoon. It was an excellent exchange conducted at a drawn out leisurely pace. LM55 was truly open to learning new massage techniques. He started massaging me as if he was in a bit of a hurry so I got him to slow down with longer deeper strokes which i found extremely satisfying. Having been shown a new technique, he demonstrated a natural ability to find a muscle knot and stay on it till it relaxed. Can't ask for more than that!. Merci mon ami.
I had a wonderful exchange with IndianPalms. He's a lovely, gentle man. His relaxing technique is also deep while sensitive. No hesitation to highly recommend him. Namaste.
I took the train to Guildford and was warmly received on a wet day. We spent a long afternoon of long swaps back back then front front. Very interesting to learn new things much of it sensual and energetic. It was a profound, eye-opening experience. No hesitation to give GuildfordExpertMasseur top recommendation. Thanks most sincerely.
dolphindave came over after a very straightforward email exchange which makes life easy. I hosted and set up mats on the floor Thai style. We had a lovely exchange. I found his manner very easy going and his massage technique very relaxing. Unfortunately we did run out of time, 4 hours isn't enough!! I'm happy to recommend him.
I travelled to Maidenhead where Mark098 hosted me. We exchanged 2 rotations each over more than 4 hours. It was a wonderful experience. Mark098 has an incredibly sensual technique and was most attentive. He's also very athletic so I truly enjoyed massaging him. Mark098, I've since learnt more about hot stones so next time will be better! Cheers.
StanmoreHolistic hosted me today in his lovely home. He's a friendly guy, I felt very comfortable with him. We had a long unhurried session. He's a keen student of massage and already has a good technique. I hope we exchange again.
I met Massagaholic7 at his place for my first exchange from this site and had an awesome, wonderful experience. He is a genuinely kind, experienced and lovely person. We took our time and learnt from each other, enjoying the company as well as the massage and intimacy. I've not hesitation to recommend him and take this opportunity to say thanks. Xxx
Reviews are opinions of individual members. Opinions by their nature are subjective and can vary dramatically from member to member. MassageExchange.com neither agrees with nor verifies the accuracy of member reviews and is not responsible for such content.