ReviewsReviews Authored
Caplio Highly Recommended
Manhattan, New York, United States
Caplio has a very fit nice toned clean body. easy to enjoy the session! he is also a warm welcoming host and professional masseur! I hope can swap with him many more times
Reviewed by rolko 2018-03-08 03:30 [18100/P]

guia Highly Recommended
London, England, United Kingdom
guia is a very well experienced masseur! can do the touch like not too many people capable for. He is a polite host also. Definitely would like to have a swap with him again!
Reviewed by rolko 2017-04-18 15:48 [16234/P]

GuildfordExpertMasseur Highly Recommended
Guildford, England, United Kingdom
professionals can recognized by the very first touch.
GuildfordExpertMasseur is an expert of body and muscle therapy. highly well educated in finding the root causes of muscles cramps. magic hands! also warm welcoming and nice host. thanks, and hope to swap soon!
Reviewed by rolko 2015-06-20 07:23 [12136/P]

Londonboy18 Highly Recommended
George Town, Cayman Islands
Londonboy18 is an amazing host. warm welcoming easy going and even he is not professional was giving a perfect session! thank You very much, hope to swap again!
Reviewed by rolko 2015-06-05 11:45 [12053/P]

Reviews are opinions of individual members. Opinions by their nature are subjective and can vary dramatically from member to member. neither agrees with nor verifies the accuracy of member reviews and is not responsible for such content.