ReviewsReviews Authored
Blueoceantraveler Highly Recommended
Groveton, New Hampshire, United States of America
It was my pleasure to give Blueoceantraveler a massage. She is experienced in receiving, able to relax into the massage. She allowed me time to explore her body and learn what I felt she needed and also gave me good immediate feedback about what pressure and strokes she liked as I tried different things with her. It is a gradual process for me to get past nervousness, get relaxed sink in and connect. She was very patient and allowed me the time we needed to get used to each other. We explored different positions, stretches, pressures, areas and ways she likes to be touched.
All in all She is a perfect practice body,
I appreciate her, and highly recommend her to anybody who wants to practice on her and hone their skills. And thank you trusting me and hoping we can meet again!
Reviewed by luvingmassage 2022-08-30 06:25 [26969/P]

Blueoceantraveler Highly Recommended
Groveton, New Hampshire, United States of America
My session with Blueoceantraveler was a complete joy from start to finish….she is lovely .intelligent and personable and we had a lively conversation….she is very clear and communicative and is very attuned to her body and has the gift of being able to relax fully….a genuine pleasure to meet and work with
Reviewed by bestmedicine 2022-08-29 05:37 [26965/P]

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