I had an exchange with moonrise and it was wonderful. He is a knowledgeable masseuse and knows his way around a male body. I have had neck issues for months now and after the massage they were gone.
He is a consummate host with an inviting massage room. Would love to exchange again.
Reviewed by
2024-08-19 05:43[30216/P]
I had a wonderful exchange with moonrise which was easy to plan and execute. He hosted in a comfortable setting and we each learned new techniques, making the experience even more rewarding. I highly recommend doing an exchange with moonrise for a rewarding and pleasurable experience.
If you want to know the perfect experience you have to meet moonrise, a perfect gentleman who will not only give a fantastic massage soothing all that ails you along with making you feel at ease and comfortable thru his entire exchange very pleasant and very friendly. It was a wonderful experience and hope to meet with him again. He was also very helpful in my learning many applications to help me in returning a massage.
moonrise is a beautiful man and a delight. He is very knowledgeable in the art of massage, the body, muscle structure and how to work the muscles and release stress. It has been my great pleasure to receive two massages from him, and I hope there will be many more. Thanks moonrise!
I thoroughly enjoyed meeting moonrise and trading massages recently. He was a great host, had an excellent place to trade, and communicated well in setting up the trade. His touch was sure and he knew how to approach the body. moonrise is warm, kind, and respectful. Recommended without reservations.
We recently exchanged and I enjoyed my exchange with moonrise very much, he has a peaceful happy personality and his massage, is smooth, intuitive and relaxing.
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