I have enjoyed several exchanges now with howard8686 over a number of years. We have become good friends who enjoy each other’s company. We will often share a meal before massage. howard8686 has a natural toned physique and he is sensitive and appreciative of touch. He is polite and good humoured also which adds to the enjoyment of the session. We will share a joke and a laugh usually at each other’s expense! I really enjoy his massage style. He employs firm pressure which I like particularly on my back. He is well versed in several techniques and styles and will take an unhurried and personal approach to massage seeking to please the other person. Thanks howard8686 for these wonderful exchanges which I really appreciate and have come to look forward to and value very highly.
I met howard8686 to exchange massages this afternoon, and it was a real pleasure to do so. He is a sensitive intuitive masseur and a really nice guy. We had an extremely pleasant few hours, and I hope to see him again.
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