♂ Male
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Bodywork Enthusiast
♂ Male68
Therapeutic seeking ♀ Females
H Chicago (West Town), Illinois, USA 6716mi/10745km MAP
H Portland (Hillsdale), Oregon, USA 9043mi/14469km MAP
Prefer Local Members Only
No travelers, please
Bodywork Background
  Me Seeking
Status Bodywork Enthusiast
Therapeutic massage
Experience 10 years any
Bodywork Given Unanswered any
Formal Training Yes
Please Verify
School Holistic Health Institute. Closed
Web N/A
Location Santa Cruz, California, USA
Enrolled 1976 (at age 19)
Hrs Completed 300 hours*
* Illinois massage therapy license requires 500 hours of formal training.
• Acupressure
• Energy Healing
• Massage
• Polarity Therapy
• Reflexology
• Reiki
• Shiatsu
• Stone/LaStone
• Swedish Massage
• Thai Massage
Personal Information
  Me Seeking
Age 68 any
Height 6'2" (188 cm) any
Build Muscular
 A few extra pounds
Language Skills
No Credentials Request Identity Credentials
Covid Vaccination Fully Vaccinated 2 primary doses + 1 or more boosters
My Practice
I Can Host
My Bodywork Equipment
Supplies I Usually Have
My Bodywork Location(s)
My Facilities
My Gifts (0)

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More About Me (Therapeutic Directory)
I am a Quaker, energy and body worker, perhaps a healer. I live in East Humboldt Park, work in, on, and with my own buildings, have interests in kayaking, vintage cars, beach, my black lab. I LOVE your attention; and have time to & interest in working with you. My ability to respond here is limited. My training was in Santa Cruz, CA many years ago. For a long time, I used it primarily on my children, spouse (now ex) and pets. My Spiritual and physical connection to chakra energy resurfaced in connection to my religious life 9 years ago. My gifts in body empathy, emotional empathy, energy moving, Spiritual connection & understandings, and emotional healing are growing & solidifying. I am looking for practice, experience, learning, healing, and interconnections with others. Giving is getting. I receive a lot of personal benefit whenever I give any massage therapy. Safe touch is a very direct way to access and process our emotions. I have recently started doing hot stone therapy. I am very excited about the power and wide applications. I am very interested in sharing in that expansion and understandings.
Member for 16 years
Last Login 5 months ago

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