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We have an obligation to our readers to avoid sharing misinformation, especially when such misinformation may be harmful, physically, health-wise, or otherwise. We respect diverse opinions, but not mistruths. However, we are unable verify every post for accuracy. Here are the meanings of our labels:

No Label
We believe the post to be based on present factual information, or we've not yet verified the post.
True Example "Covid vaccines have prevented an estimated 3 million deaths in the US, and an estimated 14 million deaths world-wide"
Information posted is a mix of some truth and some not.
Half True Example "The Covid vaccine effectiveness wanes after a while. Studies show it's effectiveness is only 4 weeks."
Half-true because effectiveness does drop at 4 weeks, but remains effective 3+ months.
Information posted is demonstrably false.
False Example "Covid is no worse than the Common Cold or the Flu"
Information posted is demonstrably false and so far from reality that it warrants a special label. (Other fact-checking sites use the labels '5-Pinocchios' and 'Pants-on-Fire'.)
Nuts Examples
  • "The Covid vaccine turns you into lizard people"
  • "Hillary Clinton was running a pedophile ring from the basement of a pizzeria"